Abraham-Hicks daily quote...thank you to Ester & Jerry Hicks!!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's working...

Hi All!
Ok, I admit it! I had a bad case of the grumpies a couple of days ago. What finally turned it around for me was a list of 'what's working'. It's similar to a gratitude or happy list but different in that it focuses on what's working right now, not general happy stuff. It somehow turned my mood around and brought me back to the 'feeling good place'(which is very good news for Daniel!)

so here's my list for today:
-someone is giving my dd an old-school sound system with turntable and 30 LPs from the 60s and 70s
-someone left Joseph Campbell material on my doorstep this morning!
-I just sold one of my kayaks (this will finance my gardening plans!!)
-the boys ate their breakfast nicely at the table (so my living room is still clean)
-our piano is coming! it will be here Friday
-I had a yummy breakfast of apples & feta cheese (might have an iced coffee next)
-I noticed a new indent in my waist this morning! yeah!

the items themselves don't really matter. It's bringing back the focus to what is positive, in this particular moment, that is so powerful. So...what's working?

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